Which Roofing System Is Best For Me?

Each roofing system has unique properties. With five Roofing Systems available; four EPDM Membranes and one Liquid Rubber system, we are bound to have the perfect choice for your roof. Please check out this overview of each to decide which is best for your project.

Full Answer

Below is a quick overview of the flat roofing systems we have available with links giving more product information, pricing, and installation tips. You'll also find some additional resources that will help you on your journey of working out which is the best system for you.

Our Roofing Solutions

We have five different roofing solutions for you to choose from:

  • The One-Piece ClassicBond system is our most popular EPDM and is ideal for small to medium-sized flat roofs up to 100m2. This system offers good value for money, a 50-year life expectancy and is the preferred choice due to its ease of installation and the fact that most roofs will be installed in one piece without the need for any joins.
  • The Resitrix Self Adhesive EPDM system is perfect for larger commercial flat roofs & gutter lining. This is heat welded, reinforced membrane that is ideal for overlaying existing roofing often without the need to strip back.
  • The ClassicBond Pro Fleece Reinforced Membrane is also ideal for larger roofs where ClassicBond may not be an option. This is a cold-applied system and is popular due to the speed of installation.
  • The Arboflex Waterproofing system is a no-nonsense polyurethane liquid roofing system that can be used straight out of the tin. This product is perfect for complicated roofs and can be applied straight over most roofing substrates.
  • Skyguard is our most cost-effective roofing system and is designed specifically for outbuildings and sheds etc. This product is quick and easy to install and has a 50-year life expectancy.

Additional Information about our Roofing Systems

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